Watch Them Grow | A Chronological Documentary from Misty Hofert

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What does motherhood mean to you?
It’s hard to summarize in words what motherhood means to me. Because it means everything. And no matter how prepared you think you are. How many books you read. How many classes you take. How many podcasts you listen to. There’s nothing that prepares you for that first moment…and every moment after that.
Watching your child grow is so bittersweet. Wanting them to reach milestones, learn new skills and achieve great things is forever in competition with wanting to keep them little for just a bit longer. To keep them small enough to fit in your lap. To preserve their innocence and protect them from the real world.
Motherhood isn’t just a part of who I am now. It has given me new purpose and allowed me to see things in a way I never would have if it weren’t for my children. I am a better person because of them and have learned more from them in these few short years than I think they’ll ever learn from me.
Share how this evolution of crib nap photos began.
There are things I used to enjoy before motherhood that I haven’t found my way back to. But there are also so many more things I’ve come to love. Like photography. When my first daughter was born I did the typical first-time mom weekly milestone photos and spammed everyone’s social media feeds with her sweet little face. I created a collage for her first birthday and I so enjoyed looking back at each one. My love for photography grew and by the time my second daughter came around I had invested quite a bit into my photography education and the nap series was born. I take pictures of my girls all the time, but there’s something special about capturing them while they sleep. It’s like I get to freeze them in time, just for a moment, just as they are.
Tell us what you think sets Milk Street Baby apart and makes us different from others.
If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my early years of motherhood it’s that there’s no right way to do it. We all want to do what we feel is best for our children. We want them to be happy. We want them to be healthy. And we want them to be safe.
Milk Street Baby is a company that goes above and beyond to ensure that we’re able to do just that.
Not only is their furniture beautiful and built to last, they take safety very seriously. And it shows. As a parent, there’s nothing more I can ask for.
My daughter's Relic Arch crib is my favorite piece of furniture in our home. And the  dresser is a close second. When I think about how much time she has spent (and will spend) in that crib it provides me with so much peace knowing that it was constructed with her safety in mind. From premium hardwoods to Greenguard gold certified stains, Milk Street Baby doesn’t just meet all the industry standards, they exceed them. Because they care.
We’ll never have to replace or upgrade her furniture thanks to its durability and timeless design. The crib was recently transitioned to a toddler bed, and when she outgrows that it’ll become a headboard. She won’t need new furniture until she grows up and moves away, and I have a feeling she’ll probably ask to take it with her when she goes.

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