Adventurous Pregnancy & Nature Inspired Nursery

Shyanne Orvis, an expert fly fishing guide based in Colorado, shares with us her ambitious, pregnancy lifestyle. Milk Street Baby is thrilled to partner with her on a nature inspired Milk Street Baby nursery for her first born son due in August. Shyanne, is an engaging and soulfully adventurous mom-to-be! Our “Pregnant In Summer” feature discovers outdoor fly fishing adventures along side a bohemian nursery beginning. Whether you are traveling while pregnant or nesting while staycationing, be sure to experience a few tips from Shy On The Fly! She inspires us with her pregnancy full of adventure!

Shy On The Fly and Milk Street Baby Woods

"I remember being a young girl with a fish in one hand and a barbie rod in the other. I like to think that the heritage and passion for fishing runs through my blood."
~ Shyanne Orvis

Milk Street Baby is thrilled to share Shyanne's mission; urging families to enjoy the outdoors. She encourages others to get out to the water and experience the beauty and wonder that fly fishing can offer!

This passion for fly fishing has allowed her to connect with people from around the world and it continues to inspire her, even now, as she is expecting her first child!

We asked her a few questions, focusing upon her true feelings as a female in the outdoors, an adventurous new pregnancy, and as she prepares for her baby boy.


What is something that surprised you about pregnancy while continuing your adventurous life and fly fishing profession?

Pregnancy has been such a wild journey; an accumulation of various, ever-changing emotions and feelings. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I assumed my adventures would be put on hold, just as I assumed that having a baby meant I could no longer do the things I love. I was wrong. I am eight months into my pregnancy and I feel strong. Of course I feel exhausted, hungry, and moody at times, but the strength I am discovering during my pregnancy has only made me realize that I will not lose out on adventures. These adventures just look a little different now. They feel more special and filled with purpose.

What do you wish to teach your son about outdoor adventures?

I can’t wait to share my love for the outdoors with my little boy. I loved exploring as a child and spent most of my days playing in the dirt, wandering in the backyard, and catching fireflies. These moments defined my childhood, and later, were the memories that gave me the courage to pursue a career based upon the things I am most passionate about. I hope by sharing this love and passion for exploring that I teach him to be curious about the world.

What are some words to remember while you are growing a life?

That in itself is the most important thing to remember. That you are GROWING and CREATING a LIFE. What a beautiful and important journey to embark upon. I’m constantly reminding myself to move with grace throughout this chapter of life. I try to follow my intuition and give myself what I need, whether that means exploring outside, or resting. Each day looks different and I try to accept it and embrace it for what it is.

How do you plan to continue your outdoor adventure and fly fishing activities after the baby is born?

I plan on continuing my outdoor adventures when I'm ready. I don’t want to set expectations or lofty goals for myself right now because I'm unsure of what to expect. I hope to give myself the time I need to heal, bond with my new baby boy, and adjust to this new way of life. I don’t know what this next chapter will look like, but I do know that when I'm ready to resume fly fishing and going on adventures, it will require patience and the ability to go with the flow. Keeping that mindset is the most important thing.

What was your baby’s first gift?

My baby boy’s first gift was a baby blanket with a fly fishing, dry fly pattern on it along with a “fishing with mommy onesie!” Seemed fitting. (:

What is your favorite thing about Milk Street Baby, and how does their furniture make you feel?

When I discovered Milk Street Baby, their furniture seemed to embody this sense of adventure and a connection to the outdoors. After spending months searching for nursery furniture and being disappointed with the options offered, it almost felt like fate when I stumbled upon Milk Street Baby’s website. I was immediately drawn to how beautiful each piece was. It was apparent that everything was crafted with love.

How has Milk Street Baby aligned with your world and impacted your life differently from other furniture brands?

After spending months exploring furniture brands and almost settling for mediocre nursery furniture, I can’t tell you the relief I felt after discovering Milk Street Baby. I didn’t hesitate to return the furniture I had purchased from a large company. Instead, I was eager to support this small, female owned business that created quality, beautifully crafted furniture. What I loved even more than the furniture, was the space and community that Milk Street Baby offered. The Mom Collective is a place that offers insight, connection and community. As a new mom, I couldn’t ask for a more welcoming introduction to motherhood.

A good morning routine can set you up for a great day. What is your ideal way to start the day?

Having a good morning routine is so important to me, but it has looked a little differently during this pregnancy. I usually wake up in the morning and immediately make my bed and tend to the farm animals. The sound of the dogs getting antsy and the ducks quacking because they are eager to play outside is enough motivation for me to get an early start on the day. Afterwards, I sit outside on the balcony with a light breakfast and a cup of coffee. Getting outside and having a little sunshine immediately wakes me up and sets the tone for the day.

What makes you feel strong?

Simply put, being a woman. Becoming pregnant gave me a new appreciation and perspective as to how incredible women can be. There’s nothing that makes me feel stronger, than knowing I can create a life within my own body.

What is one message you want to share with other moms?

Parenthood is such a beautiful journey and a gift, but don’t let that deter you from prioritizing time for the things you love. Share your passion with your kids and take time for yourself to enjoy the things that make you happy. When we remember to fill up our own cup, it allows us to show up better for our little ones.


Stay tuned for Shyanne's "Nesting on the Fly" publication with Milk Street Baby's boho crib collection  and nursery room build. This is an expecting baby adventure you won't want to miss! 

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